Thursday, 24 November 2011

Qigong Exercise Steps

Qigong Exercise Steps

Qigong Exercise Steps are a type of Chinese healthy exercise, a powerful exercise program for seniors that uses breathing and stretching to develop vital energy for health and peace of mind and improve your health and lengthen your life as well!

Easy-to-learn daily exercise - a great investment to ensure your long-term well-being!
As a beginner exercise program - nevertheless very potent in the results - the '6 Simple Sounds' program is top of the pack!

Qigong Exercise Steps make good senior fitness exercises, they are based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, which awakens and stimulates the circulation of vital energy in the body.

They consist of EASY sequences of movements, each having a particular purpose, e.g. low back pain exercises.

Qigong Exercise Steps can also be known as Taoist Gymastics and the exercises often have exotic, yet meaningful names, such as 'Dredging of the Sea', which describes the effect the exercise has on the energy in the body in a colourful way! (see below).

Dredging of the Sea (Left and Right) and Looking at the Sky

The sea and the sky being vast open spaces, these exercises encourage a person to be 'open minded'.

Put your attention on the middle of the palms of the hands during this
Chinese Healthy Exercise.
From the basic stance:

Standing, with spine straight and feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, release any tension you are holding in your legs, with the hands by the side of the hips, and armpits 'open'.

1 - While breathing in, move your left foot forward, the heel touching the ground first, arms extending out to the sides in a forward motion.

2 - While breathing out, bend the upper body forward slowly, transferring the weight on to the left foot and crossing both hands in front of the left knee, in a 'scooping" movement.

 3 - While breathing in, slowly lean the upper body backward,
 transferring the weight on to the right leg, drawing back the left foot.qigong exercise step

 4 - Your weight is now back on to both feet, while your arms just follow the rest of the body keeping the same 'rounded shape' and your hands come to cross over each other, above your head.

5 - Bend the upper body backward, the palms turning to face forward, tilting your head to look at the sky, slowly starting to extend your hands.

6 - While breathing out, extend the hands slowly to the sides.

(Same instructions, but on the right side this time)                           
Dredging of the Sea: right side                                                                                          

1 - While breathing in, move your right foot forward, the heel touching the ground first, your arms continuing slowly extending to the sides in a forward motion.

2 - While breathing out, bend the upper body forward slowly, transferring the weight on to the right foot and crossing both hands in front of the right knee, in a 'scooping" movement.

3 - While breathing in, slowly lean the upper body backward, transferring the weight on to the left leg, drawing back the right foot.

4 - Your weight is now back on to both feet, while your arms just follow the rest of the body keeping the same 'rounded shape' and your hands come to cross over each other, above your head.

5 - Bend the upper body backward, the palms turning to face forward, tilting your head to look at the sky, slowly starting to extend your hands.

6 - While breathing out, extend the hands slowly to the sides.

Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the left and right in a continuous sequence, 3 to 5 times.


- Strengthens the back muscles

- Improves the movements of the joints

- Massages the internal organs, helping them to function well together, in one unit

Correct Breathing during 'Qigong exercise steps' is important.

Here are some simple instructions:

Deep Abdominal Breathing using your diaphragm.

It is deep breathing using the full extent of your lung capacity and it is called abdominal because the movement of your diaphragm will expand your lower abdomen during the inhale and contract your lower abdomen during the exhale.

There are also sequences of 'Qigong exercise steps' for specific conditions (Back Pain exercises, for example).

You can have a little taster of my programs by getting your The 7-Day FREE Exercise Program for Seniors mini-course!

Back Strengthening Exercises of Qigong Exercise Steps

Back Strengthening Exercises of Qigong Exercise Steps

There are many back strengthening exercises and shoulder stretches possible, but what I am giving you here on this page is a holistic movement that will not only strengthen your back but also your whole body.

To deal with a local pain it is good to have a particular tool, a movement to remedy it, but as a preventive, health-giving longevity exercise, I find it particularly useful to use an easy, simple movement of the whole body that is in accordance with the principles of energy flow that the Chinese have developed over the millennia and which their population has been and is still using to remain in great health despite much historical hardship.

Watch the easy exercise on this video that is also called 'qigong exercise step' (where you’ll find more instructions) and just start practising it. You can use the music of your choice and do this movement at least 6 times on each side, making it part of your back strengthening exercises.

A tip: keep your spine straight while bending down.

Repetition is the order of the day!

Dredging The Sea

A word about ‘over- and under-50’s’:

Often, in describing my site I use the words ‘easy exercises for over- and under-50’s’, not only because they’re easy but because rarely – in my experience – are people in their 20’s or even 30’s interested in slow, inward-directed movements, only just a few. It is usually after 40 years old that most people start to look for more gentle holistic approaches.

Also, I sense that the repetition of slow movements gives us the time to look inside our body and feel the sensations there which will give us the results we’re looking for, as by bringing our consciousness/awareness to inner areas, they will naturally be ‘fed’, nourished by our breath effecting healing through this wave of attention.

The body likes to be taken notice of in a loving way and will respond!
So, practise these back strengthening exercises on a daily basis for overall well-being.

Baby Boomers Years and Baby Boomers Healthcare

Baby Boomers Years and Baby Boomers Healthcare

During the baby boomers years baby boomers health care has to be especially well provided for.
These are e-books. Once you order you’ll be able to download immediately.

These guides below are directed towards their needs (and mine, as I am a baby boomer!).
These best self help books are a treat, which is the reason I have included them in self esteem exercises, and although some titles might look similar, they all focus on our concerns and pleasures from different angles.

So, be sure to look them up and see which one suits you best to start with!

"Baby Boomers Beware, Your Financial Freedom Is Slipping Through Your Fingertips As We Speak! Please Take The Time To Read This Report."
It doesn't matter if you've ever looked into this before...This guide will give you everything you need to know about securing your financial future!
Here's Just "Sneak-Peak" At What You'll Uncover With "Ultimate Baby Boomers Guide"…

baby boomers guide
Ultimate Baby Boomers Guide

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Are You One Of The Members Of The Vast Baby Boomer Population Looking To Lead A Normal And Healthy Life? Discover How You Can Live A Completely Fulfilling Life And Spread The Radiance Of Joy And Happiness All Around…!

Finally! A Complete Guide For The Baby Boomers To Help Them Lead A Worry-Free Life…Start Enjoying The Essence Of Living And Have Fun! If You Are A Baby Boomer, You Wouldn't Want To Miss Out On What We Have To Offer…!

baby boomers resource
Ultimate Baby Boomers Resource

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Exercise your memory muscles! It is simpler than you think!
Learn how to improve your memory:
Memory Facets
All in the Mind
Memorize or Minimize
Memory Tricks
The Value of Attention plus two more chapters of helpful information!

how to improve your memory

How to Improve Your Memory
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Tips and techniques for memory enhancement.
The content is all about brain training:
Exercises, Software, Games, Chess, with your ipod…
And can be applied to Multiple Sclerosis Patients, to Improve your driving ability, etc…

brain training

Brain Training - Improving Your Memory

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Healthy Aging For Women Baby Boomers
Devoted to women over 50, this site guides you through the changes aging brings and offers advice and tips on exercise, nutrition, stress and many other relevant issues, to help you feel your best both physically and mentally.

Baby Boomers Resource

Baby Boomers Resource

Ultimate Baby Boomers Resource!

This is an e-book. Once you order you’ll be able to download immediately.

Finally! A complete guide - Baby Boomers Resource - 
to help us (yes, me too!) - 88 pages - lead a worry-free life…Start enjoying the Essence of living and have fun! If you are a baby boomer, you wouldn't want to miss out on what this guide has to offer…!

By the way: a perfect exercise program for seniors is a beginner exercise program (but very potent) called the '6 Simple Sounds' just published!
The easy and simple exercises can be done standing or sitting. Instructions are given for the chair-bound.

baby boomers resourceThese Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In This 90 pages Book
   Can You Avoid Aging?
   The Baby Boomers Brain
   Supplementing and Hormones
   The Baby Boomer's Diet
   Now Is The Time To Take Charge
   Retirement Places for Baby Boomers
   Baby Boomers, What They Want and Expect In Today's Society
   Baby Boomers Coping with Middle-Age Crisis

Ultimate Resource for Baby Boomers

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Independent Baby Boomers are Now Travelers
Events in the Year When Baby Boomers are Born Shaped Their Lives

And So Much More!

 Time To Take Charge
Time is fleeting. It just doesn’t last as long as we would like it to last. Although it may seem like just yesterday you were raising your children, those years have passed and now they are raising their own children. But, before you let any more time slip pass, start thinking of your

This is one of the best self help books that I included in the self esteem exercises section of this site.

Although you may not be able to go back and adjust time, implementing the changes in your
diet, your exercise, your mental health and in your financial health will allow you to find the
necessary tools to excelling in your later years.

If one thing is for sure it is that you can make a difference in the quality of the rest of your days if you take charge now, without wasting any more time.

There is good news, though. Most of the damage that you’ve done to your body can be reverse if you have done so in time and are dedicated to making that happen with the help of this baby boomer resource and just a few minutes of care to your lifestyle each day, you can get back the time you may have possibly lost.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Baby Boomers Guide

Baby Boomers Guide 

Here's Just "Sneak-Peak" At What You'll Uncover in
this 72 pages ebook With "Ultimate Baby Boomers Guide" :
This is an e-book. Once you order you’ll be able to download immediately.

The Truth About Aging

A Proper Diet For Baby Boomers

How To Avoid Alzheimer's

Learn How to get physically fit and stay that way.

Managing your money. 

Lifestyle changes that can affect you positively.

A to do list for all seniors

How to get rid of that pesky sugar in your diet.

How to plan the spending of your money.

Plus much MUCH More!
baby boomers guide 
Baby Boomers Guide


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It includes:
Why Does Exercise
Have To Matter? – Look better, feel better, be healthier!

Anger Management eBook and How to Cope with Anger

Anger Management eBook and How To Cope With Anger

This anger management ebook might be just what you need to get clearer
on what you're dealing with, learn how to cope with anger
and discover what your solutions might be.

This is an e-book. Once you order you’ll be able to download

Angriness may be an issue in your every day life if you let it
be.  Not only does it interrupt your work and play, but it may
hurt you when you least anticipate it.

Anger has an underhanded way of making itself known in the rarest of
situations, and most you do not have any control  over.

Also, we can keep in mind that anger contains a lot of energy and that
we can use this energy for some task at hand.

anger management>
Anger Management 101

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Some anger management tips

Friday, 4 November 2011

Best Beginner Exercise Program for Baby Boomers

Why best beginner exercise program for baby boomers? Because the results are profound  for a minimum energy outlay and are ideal as seniors exercise.

I'm using the word 'baby boomers' and although more ‘strenuous’ exercises are also recommended for seniors, a program that is perfectly adapted to one’s comfort zone can be extremely uplifting and beneficial.

The Holistic Beginner Exercise Program with Videos is the One!

Another beginner exercise program for baby boomers, for maximum results, can also be used even while sitting down and if in a wheelchair as in the 6 Simple Sounds program.

  • Holistic processes - ones that benefit all the aspects of one's being, ie the physical, the mental and the emotional - are the most rewarding. And a lot of the exercises and programs I offer have qigong exercise as their base and use qigong exercise steps..

  • As just mentioned, these use minimal efforts of the body but require adding co-ordinated breathing and sound to these easy movements, all of which is really easy to do and within the reach of everyone.
  • You might ask: ‘Well, what’s the big deal with doing these easy movements, breathing and making sounds, I’ve done a lot of these in my life without having astounding health results?"
  • Well, that’s just it, we’ve all done those 3 things, but perhaps often to no particular purpose and possibly in a ‘scattered’ way. A shame, I know, but probably  still true!
  • But by bringing these actions together and co-ordinating them, we arrive at what the Chinese call a ‘holistic' process, one of many that date back several thousand years, the practice of which has grown along with the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine.